Brancheverbreding, technologische ontwikkelingen en veranderend klantgedrag... dit soort veranderingen vraagt om een verzekeringsketen waarin we goed samenwerken en kennis met elkaar delen.
Het Verbond faciliteert daarom ontmoetingen tussen leden, associate partners en stakeholders van binnen en buiten de verzekeringssector. Door samenwerking en kennisdeling creëren we op tal van maatschappelijke thema's meerwaarde voor klanten. Denk aan klimaatverandering, pensioen, woningmarkt, arbeidsongeschiktheid, mobiliteit en veiligheid. Meer weten? Lees dan ook eens onze koers 2022-2024 'Samen sterker'.
Iedere organisatie die samen met ons dit doel wil bereiken, nodigen wij uit om met ons in gesprek te gaan. Is jouw organisatie geen verzekeraar, maar wel actief in de waardeketen van verzekeraars? En kunnen jullie bijdragen aan het klantbelang? Dan staat het associate partnership voor jullie organisatie open.
Hoe ervaren anderen deze samenwerking? Lees waarom MavenBlue en Netaspect zich hebben aangesloten.
Industry expansion, technological developments and changing customer behaviour... These kinds of changes require an insurance chain in which we work well together and share knowledge with each other.
The Association therefore facilitates meetings between members, associate partners and stakeholders from within and outside the insurance sector. Through collaboration and knowledge sharing, we create added value for customers on numerous social themes. Think of climate change, pensions, the housing market, disability, mobility and safety. Want to know more? Then read our course 2022-2024 'Stronger together'.
We invite every organisation that wants to achieve this goal with us to talk to us. Is your organisation not an insurer, but active in the value chain of insurers? And can you contribute to the customer's interest? Then the associate partnership is open to your organisation.
How do others experience this collaboration? Find out why MavenBlue and Netaspect have joined.
In the cooperation between the Association and the associate partner, it is about creating added value for thepolicyholder, the associate partner and insurers. Sociate partners therefore have access to our network; they are part of the ecosystem to which almost all insurers and various other (associate) partners are affiliated. We exchange knowledge and experiences on common themes and thus improve our mutual insights. You can think of it as an information subscription.
The Covenant organises meetings in which the Covenant and the associate partners can strengthen each other or make use of each other's expertise. As an associate partner, you can participate for free. Participation in meetings of a working group or platform is by invitation. Associate partners can also make additional use of the services / information services of the Association.
If an insurer applies for membership, some conditions apply. This applies to a lesser extent for associate partners; the Association only uses a number of criteria to guarantee quality and image/reputation as well as possible:
The board of the Association will assess the application. The criteria are not conclusive; in case of doubt, the board can still decide to refuse an application.
Interested? Please contact us. We are happy to discuss the possibilities and costs with you. After an exploratory meeting with a positive outcome, we make a nomination to the board.
In terms of proposition, ambition and distribution model, mortgage lending parties are very similar to mortgage insurers. We exchange knowledge and experiences with them on common themes in order to improve our insights and work on efficient solutions for the customer, the associate partner and insurers.
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Get change done. We are a team of movers and shakers, helping leaders achieve lasting and meaningful impact, together. |
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Insurer that helps its clients to cover financial risks. |
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Non-profit foundation that, among other things, recovers damages on behalf of injured parties. For example, shoplifting, refuelling without paying, online fraud and insurance fraud. As a trusted party , SODA receives perpetrator data from the police (for civil settlement for injured parties) on the basis of the Police Data Decree. Perpetrators who compensate for damage are less likely to reoffend. Read more about our collaboration in the associate partnership. SODA is supervised by the Foundation for Direct Liability to Perpetrators (DAAD). The Covenant is one of the founding fathers. |
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Insurer in niche markets such as yachts, art, classic cars and cyber. |
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Helps forward-thinking investors with unique knowledge and partnerships to find better investment solutions. For them, their customers and the planet. |
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Financing, leasing, insurance. Mobility. |
Please contact Annemieke van Kaam, T 070-333 85 00
Consider it membership of the Covenant if you are not already a member.