Travel and crowds at Schiphol
What does travel and/or cancellation insurance cover?
Cancellation insurance or travel insurance does not cover damage caused by the crowds at Schiphol. The Association advises affected travellers to contact the airport, airline or the travel organisation concerned to see what they can do for you.
Because of the crowds, it is wise to be at the airport well in advance and to check the flight information regularly. If possible, check in in advance. That saves another queue.
Is the airline cancelling your flight? Then you are entitled to a replacement flight. If the flight is cancelled due to crowds, you probably won't be offered an alternative flight. In that case, you are entitled to a refund of the amount paid.
Have you booked a complete holiday with, for example, a flight, a hotel and a rental car - and not a package holiday? Then you will often only get the price of your ticket back. Depending on the terms and conditions of a cancellation insurance, these costs may be covered, but this differs per insurer.
The Association emphasises to check the policy conditions carefully in advance to avoid surprises.