Improve the prolongation process
The Dutch Association of Insurers, together with the trade association of independent financial advisers Adfiz and the Association of Dutch Insurance Exchanges (VNAB), has drawn up principles and accompanying guidelines for the 2021 renewal process. The principles and guidelines have also been coordinated with the board of the Association of Dutch Risk and Insurance Managers (NARIM).
The VNAB guidelines have been drawn up to promote insurability and customer satisfaction in the business market. These explicitly do not focus on the content of agreements between market parties. With the guidelines, the three parties hope to jointly optimise and shape the process of prolongation in the business (co-insurance) market.
By starting the renewal process in a timely manner, players in the co-insurance market will have more time to exchange information. In this way, they can arrive at a more adequate insurance solution and make better agreements about timely renewal or adjustment of the policies. More focus on the long(er) term relationship between the company (i.e. the customer) and the insurers is also needed to prevent excesses. This should ultimately lead to better insurability and customer satisfaction in the non-life insurance market.
Because not all problems can be solved immediately, the VNAB evaluated the effectiveness of the 2021 prolongation at the beginning of 2021. This has resulted in adjusted joint guidelines for the 2022 prolongation process.