A lack of reliable and up-to-date data has made it difficult for insurers to make a realistic assessment of the risks. Moreover, diagnostics and treatment have improved considerably in recent years. The study compared people with and without HIV. Data from the HIV Monitoring Foundation (SHM) are linked to relevant CBS microdata for this purpose.
Better insight into risk
"Now that we have a better understanding of the risk through this study, we also expect access to disability insurance to improve," explains Richard Weurding, general manager of the Association. This also happened around 2005 when the Association and the Hiv Vereniging joined forces to improve access to term life insurance. "Even then, new data and medical insights were decisive."
Whether people with HIV have a higher risk of dropping out depends on the year in which they were diagnosed, and the stage of the condition at the time they started treatment for HIV. "These differences can lead to special conditions being imposed on a policy, such as a premium surcharge or a longer waiting period," says Weurding, who emphasises that conditions really depend on a person's personal situation.
Further dismantling stigma in society
Ronald Brands, social and legal advocate at the Hiv Vereniging, is pleased with the results of the study summarised in a fact sheet: "These figures help to further dismantle the stigma on HIV that exists in society. People with HIV are simply and fully involved in the labour process. Being able to take out an AOV is part of this. This is an important step towards a broader acceptance policy for people with HIV who want to take out an AOV. We therefore look to the future with hope."
Solving social issues
The Association is happy, not only about the results of the investigation, but also about the investigation itself. Weurding: "This shows how data can contribute to solving complex social issues. It leads to insurers being able to better assess an unknown and difficult to insure risk and then make an offer or a better offer."
This process has carefully taken into account privacy and the sensitivity of the data, and involves all relevant parties: people living with HIV, insurers and independent researchers.
The National Data Register on Incapacity for Work, in which the Dutch Association of Medical Advisors for Insurance Affairs (GAV), the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and the Dutch Association of Insurers collaborated on the study.
For more information, media can contact:
- Barbara van der Rest, spokesperson for the Dutch Association of Insurers on 06-81849603 or b.van.der.rest@verzekeraars.nl.
- Caspar Pisters, spokesperson for the Hiv Vereniging on 06-15047057 or c.pisters@hivvereniging.nl.