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More than 500 million euros in damage caused by February storms

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According to the first estimate of the Dutch Association of Insurers, the insured damage to homes, cars and commercial buildings by Dudley, Eunice and Franklin amounts to at least 500 million euros. Insurers receive record numbers of damage reports due to these storms and still expect a lot of consequential damage. This is evident from a first inventory of the Dutch Association of Insurers.

"Despite the fact that the Netherlands has anticipated the storm well, partly thanks to warnings from the KNMI, Rijkswaterstaat and insurers, the February storms have caused record numbers of reports and a huge amount of damage," says Richard Weurding, general director at the Association. "Insurers have scaled up and are doing everything they can to ensure that claims are handled smoothly. Customers are helped as quickly as possible, but in some cases have to take into account waiting times due to the large number of reports that come in." 

Fallen trees, blowing away roofs and leaks 

The 'February storms' caused large and small wind and water damage. This includes damage to cars, homes and businesses caused by fallen trees, blown-off roofs and leaks. Furthermore, insurers also see a lot of blown-off roof tiles and damage to solar panels and fences. The Salvage Foundation (first aid after calamities on behalf of insurers) has had an exceptionally busy weekend. They went out the most for larger damages in South and North Holland.   

In the coming days it will continue to blow heavily, with a high chance of consequential damage from roof tiles and solar panels that have come loose due to previous wind gusts, but also trees that have already been slightly uprooted. Weurding: "Straighten up crooked roof tiles and reattach loosened solar panels if the situation is safe. This way you prevent further damage."  

Well insured 

As a rule, the Dutch are well insured against damage caused by storms. This applies to everything that is attached to the house, the contents of the house and to fences. Home insurers often use a deductible. Cars with a third-party plus insurance (limited hull) or all-risk insurance (hull) are insured against damage caused by storms. About two-thirds of the fleet in the Netherlands has this type of insurance. 

Better warning and taking measures 

Based on KNMI data, insurers and advisers warn their customers earlier and better to take measures, so that damage is limited. Insurers and other parties in the chain can also scale up their claims handling in time, so that customers are helped better and faster. Weurding: "That is necessary, because as a society we are increasingly confronted with extreme weather due to climate change."  

Read our prevention tips to prevent storm damage as much as possible 

* The Dutch Association of Insurers emphasizes that it is not yet clear exactly how big the damage will be. This depends on the final claims submitted to insurers. The Association  provides a model estimate, which cannot take into account specific damages. The Association  cannot make regional estimates at this time. 

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